WIP: May 8, 2013
I am so excited! I have finally finished my 3X6 quilt. I love all of the blocks that I received during the three swaps I did with the
3X6 Flickr group. Thanks to all the people that made me blocks for this quilt. I pieced the top a long time ago and had a very difficult time deciding how I was going to quilt it. Once it was pieced it sat for a long time and then once it was basted it sat for another few months! Finally I took the
Craftsy course on Free Motion Quilting with Leah Day. Her class is geared toward quilting the 2012 Sampler Quilt that is a free class over on
Craftsy. I have watched many of the videos for that class but I already had two sampler quilts going so I decided I did not need another. I needed to quilt the ones I already have done! Therefore I had to do a bit of tweaking with the designs to make it work for my quilt.
Step One: Watch the videos on FMQ and decided which patterns you would like to debut on your quilt.
Step Two: I took a picture of the quilt top and started drawing out the individual blocks. I decided in the end the actually quilt laid out was easier than the picture. Once I outlined all of the blocks, I started comparing them to some of the blocks in the
Craftsy Sampler quilt and decided I had a few of the same blocks so I just did the same designs on those. Then I looked for ones that were similar and redrew the patterns on top of my sketches. What I have learned is the more you sketch out a design the easier it is to sew it. Free Motion Quilting is so fun to me because I love to doodle. I also found a source for Zen Doodlig that just blows me away! It is called
Step Three: Beginning in the middle start stitching in the ditch and then quilt each block interior. I did not stitch all the blocks first.
Step Four: Bind and Celebrate!
I also had another finish this week: Baby shower gift The project is "R" for Romper from the
Sewing for Boys book. I am trying to do all the clothing projects from this book I bought last year at Sewing Summit. I have a 4 year old so the romper is not really his style anymore. I thought it was fun to make but way too time consuming for a shirt that is going to last for a few weeks or maybe even face total destruction with one wear if it gets pooped out! Hee Hee! My friend Cat and her husband adore all things British... he is a Brit! So I had to make my gift something a little British!
Last Week's Plan:
3X6 - FMQ and binding Done!
Hand sew Alabama Swing Skirt: No progress
Baste Rainbow Quilt: No Progress
Projects finished over the week:
Finished Free Motion Quilting on my 3X6... bound and ready for the first picnic
Keep calm and Sleep on "R" is for Romper from
Sewing for Boys
Projects I worked on during the last week:
3X6 quilt Done!
Reviewed Craftsy Class
Made a Baby Shower Gift
This Week's Plan:
3X6 - Go have a picnic!
Baste Rainbow Quilt
Get started on a new wardrobe piece (Fabrics are washed.... let's get a move on!)
May Goals:
Finish 3x6 (DONE) and last dress for closet repair... If I can squeeze it in make a new outfit for me....so many to choose from not sure which one!
Goals for this Quarter:
Finish quilting Under the Rainbow (no progress)
Finish hand embellishing Alabama Chanin Swing Skirt (no progress)
Finish Closet repairing the items that need repair (seven of eight items done !!!)
Finish Quilting 3X6 Done!!!!!
Other WIP with no progress:
Hand Quilting Circle of Nine
Quilt blocks for our bedroom quilt (Fabric is now all in hand.)
Curtains for our bedroom
Civil War Quilt ( I only started one block so far!)
Felt Hat (Cut out)
Santa decoration
Medallion Quilt
String Quilt 2
Rainbow Quilt
Dress repair and hand embellish
Hand sew Alabama Swing Skirt
Trip Around the World (Fabric Cut)
Projects I have the fabric for but have done nothing:
Polka Dot Amy Butler Apron Dress (Washed the Fabric!)
Curtains for the upstairs door
Curves Quilt
Curtains for downstairs
Curtains for the laundry room
Polaroid Sleeping Bag
Pillows for students
Idea Pouch
Bottled Rainbows
Knit projects for Craftsy Class
Laurel Dress from Colette Patterns (Fabric Washed!)
Meringue Skirt from Colette Patterns (Fabric Ready!)
Sassy Librarian Shirt on Craftsy
Sewaholic Renfrew View A
Please check out all the other projects on: