What will inspire you to create today?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

What have I been up to?

Lately I have not been keeping up with the Blog world.  As much as I would like to be a blogger that is followed and admired... so far I am not this person.  One major reason might be that I do not post as often as some as the famous bloggers.  How do they have the time to blog and sew is what I want to know.  I saw on one blog that she dictates the blog.  Not a bad idea.  However I think I still would not have the time.  So I am just going to get caught up by posting some of the projects I have made of late.

I made this pretty {little} pouch and I think it turned out quite well.
Pretty little pouchPretty little backInside

I made it for the Pretty{little}pouch swap on Flickr


  1. This is pretty cute!
    How's the changing pad comin? I'll send the $ this week...sorry I'm a bit on the tardy side!

  2. I'm so behind on reading, that I just saw this today. I am in love with that little birdie! Your partner is a lucky duck :)
